Kitten Desexing

Kitten Desexing

Desexing your kitten Desexing is generally recommended at around 6 months of age. Not only does it prevent unwanted litters, but it reduces the risk of certain diseases and cancers, such as prostate and mammary gland tumours and pyometra (an infection of the uterus)....
Kitten Vaccinations

Kitten Vaccinations

Kitten Vaccinations Just like us humans, it's important for cats to get vaccinated to protect them from certain diseases. Their vaccination schedule starts from just 6 weeks old and it's important to keep up with the recommended schedule for kittens, as this will help...
Kitten Lifecycle

Kitten Lifecycle

Welcoming a new kitten into your home is one of the most wonderful things you'll experience as a pet parent. As you celebrate and fuss over the newest addition to the family, you might suddenly find there's a lot to consider, as well as some important steps you need...